Friday, May 23, 2008


Good day;

I noticed the day started off promising before the break. But after we fell apart. This constantly baffles me.

Rule of Thumb:

Any day your production is less in the second half than the 1st it means we are falling asleep at the wheel

. I know you all heard of “the power hour”. Let me explain what this means. In a call center in the States we always doubled the days production in the LAST HOUR from the rest of the day’s efforts. In the States they still go by “bookings per hour” rather than “hours per booking.” The reason why is our customer is home and their daily responsibilities like work, family and chores are done. Also this is when we can call back the folks who are one ingredient away like talking to the spouse, checking the calendar, which gift etc…

Today we were at approx 43 bookings before they break. But we ended up with bookings. This not only included the “power hour” but also an extra 2 hours. We need to look at this isolation and think of ways to wake up when the real show begins-power 2.5 hours. Your agents seem to relax and Team Leaders too.

I suggest tomorrow you start off with a strong spiff for the agents before the break. Then after the break you put a strong spiff for the Team Leaders to stay focused and awake. This way you will transfer the energy from one source before the break to another source of Energy after.

Let’s try that and see if this works. We definitely have an energy problem during the time we should be very successful-when the customer is home and not as busy.

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